Deacon & Deaconess Ministry
Mission Statement: New Hope Baptist Church Deacons minister to the congregation as the Pastor's representatives in matters that will further the growth of the individual member and the corporate body. It is our responsibility to attend to the needs of the members of the church, as related to the spiritual and the temporal needs that may arise. As Deacons, we are passionate to develop a more Christ-like congregation and are committed to the standard of ministry proclaimed by the written and preached Word of God.
Vision Statement: To serve as an extended arm of the Pastor and to be a welcoming and nurturing presence for the congregation.
What we do (Ministry Description): The Deacon Ministry is responsible for visiting the Sick & Shut-in, overseeing the benevolent needs of the congregation, assist in preparing candidates for Baptism, assist with the Security of the church, and serves as Liaison to all Core Ministries per direction of the Pastor.
Deaconess Ministry Leader: Sis. Teresa Harris
Mission Statement: To create and maintain “Unity” amongst the Sisters and continue to inspire them through the word of Jesus Christ. To give New Converts the opportunity to act out of obedience in testimony of their faith, symbolizing the cleansing power of the cleansing power of the blood of Christ.
Vision Statement: To help new converts understand that Baptism is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer's faith in a crucified, buried and risen Savior.
What we do (Ministry Description): Assist in preparing candidates for Baptism. Candidates for Baptism are called the week before to remind them of Baptism, what to bring and what time to arrive. Deaconess assist the ladies and girls with their needs. The Deacons assist the boys and men with their needs.
After coming out of the water, the candidates go into their respective dressing rooms to prepare for morning service. The candidates all go into service at the same time and will receive their Certificate of Baptism during the worship service.